Today, we share the Guidance Readings – August 2021, by Fortune Card Reader Sundaravalli. This is the first part of the post.
Guidance Readings – August 2021
The angels are sending you positive vibes and financial gains are in the offing. The painful past needs to be forgotten. Let go of whatever you have lost before and the worries about the future.
Be patient and control your anger. Live in the present and strategize your future plans.
The angels are sending you good messages. Analyze your needs and fears. Dignified behavior will attract respect. If you travel on the right path with courage and willpower, you can achieve anything. The angels will remove the obstacles on your path. Keep faith in the higher energies, which will boost your self-confidence.
It’s time to heal yourself, which will help others heal themselves. Analyze your prospects at work and work up a strategy for your future. Some of you are destined to attract positive abundance for the material world as well as the spiritual world.
Your life is your decision. This life is what you had decided to have. Only you have the capacity to change it. Keep your self-confidence intact and move ahead, if you think you are right. Be hopeful for a good tomorrow.
Listen to your inner voice before deciding anything. Prioritize tasks in your professional and personal lives. Aim for the best and take efforts to achieve your targets.
Sundaravalli would be happy to reply to personalized queries. You can contact her at