Saturday , July 27 2024
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And Now Dowry Calculator!

And Now Dowry Calculator! Yes, Anupam Mittal’s puts out India’s most hard-hitting Anti-Dowry Message. And Now Dowry Calculator! Anupam Mittal recently issued a hard-hitting public service announcement by, initiating a powerful anti-dowry movement in the nation. People across social media were introduced to a controversial “Dowry Calculator” on ...

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Challenges in Different Relationships and Solutions (Part II)

Today, we share Challenges in Different Relationships and Solutions (Part II) by Astro- Numerologist and relationship expert, Sidhharrth S Kumaar, who helps us understand the situations and how to handle them. This is the second and concluding part of the article. Read the first part here. Challenges in Different Relationships ...

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Challenges in Different Relationships and Solutions

Let’s talk about the Challenges in Different Relationships and Solutions. Astro- Numerologist and relationship expert, Sidhharrth S Kumaar, helps us understand the situations and how to handle them. Challenges in Different Relationships and Solutions The little fights between two siblings, the flirtatious glances of lovers and scolding brimming with care ...

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Things Needed to Know Before Buying a Mattress

Buying stuff for your home could get hectic and confusing, sometimes. Particularly, when it comes to mattresses, discretion needs to be the buzz word. So, what are the Things Needed to Know Before Buying a Mattress? Let’s ask an expert. Uttam Malani – Executive Director, Centuary Mattress, tells us, how ...

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Impact of Celebrity Gambling Endorsement On Indian Youth

Impact of Celebrity Gambling Endorsement On Indian Youth by Prof Dheeraj Sharma (Director, IIM Rohtak) and Dr Madhurima Mishra (Faculty, IIM Rohtak) – let’s talk about this survey topic today. Impact of Celebrity Gambling Endorsement On Indian Youth A media report from 2015 indicates that Enforcement Directorate conducted an investigation ...

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Cinderella Prabhu’s Fight for Human Rights

Cinderella Prabhu’s Fight for Human Rights – here’s an interesting interview of a social worker from the Human Rights and Crime Control Organization. Cinderella Prabhu’s Fight for Human Rights A lawyer ever ready to help others. That’s  Cinderella Prabhu for you. Without much ado let’s go to the interview. What ...

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