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The Case of the Missing Boyfriend – Part 5

Radha and Nancy had confrontation in mind when they entered the hospital lobby. They had paid the ward boy the relevant amount of money in return for Ned’s room number. As they approached the private room, the sound of 2 men laughing could be heard, through the slightly ajar door.


“If you hadn’t informed me of your intentions, I would have taken you for a common drug-peddler and arrested you. And I did not take Kartik into confidence or he would have blurted out your location to his sister. Now, do you still want to keep Nancy in the dark? You still want to marry her, don’t you?”

“Yes, of course. I have very noble intentions of marrying Nancy. But, I want to enjoy this a little more.”

That was it! Nancy pushed the door in and entered the room. Ned and Keshav looked at her, one with guilt and shock and the other with bewilderment. She did not say anything. She just hit Ned with her handbag and left with Radha tagging along behind her.

“I did not know Keshav was in this with Ned,” Radha exclaimed.

Nancy did not reply.

A couple of days later, Nancy and Ned were returning back to the US. Keshav and Radha went with them to the airport. Ned had pleaded with Nancy and had proposed to her all over again in a very romantic way.

When the angrez couple had gone inside the airport, Radha commented, “Why would a man behave this way with the girl he loves? I will never understand men!”


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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