Yoga has been called a way of life. So this time we decided we do a session with yoga expert Geetu Gidwani, where we would understand where to start. Thus we got enlightened about the different sitting asanas, which are the basic poses of yoga and after sitting in these poses only other asanas are performed.
Sukhaasana: “Sukh” asana means finding peace while performing the asana. Your mind and body should be completely relaxed. Fold your legs and sit straight with gyana mudra. Close your eyes, concentrate, deep inhaling and exhaling, thrice each. And most important thing, there must be a smile on your face!

Ardha Padmaasana: Sit in sukhasana with one foot on your thigh. Body should be relaxed. Hands should be on your knees in gyan mudra. Eyes should be closed and spine erect. Take deep breaths according to your comfort.

Padmaasana: Sit in sukhasana with both feet on the thighs. There should be a cross formed with your legs and knees should touch the floor. Keep one palm on the other, touching your lower stomach, below your navel. And take deep breaths as per your comfort.

Vajraasana: Start by kneeling down, then sit back with your calves beneath your thighs and look forward. Keep your spine straight and place your palms on your thighs. Breathe in and then slowly exhale. Breathe out slowly for 5 to 10 seconds and then exhale completely.

Right way: First of all, performing yoga is supposed to feel good. In the beginning, you will feel uneasy but slowly you will start feeling relaxed. You will be able to breathe slowly and for longer, while holding a pose. Your mind will focus on your body and you will feel the tightness of your body go. That’s how you come to know you’re doing it right.

Benefits: Sukhaasana relaxes and calms your mind and brings inner peace. Stretches spine and gets rid of any mental and physical stress.
Ardha padmaasana helps reduce fat especially from the abdominal region. It cures asthma and insomnia. It improves posture.
Padmaasana opens up the hips, stretches the ankles and knees and calms the brain. It increases awareness, keeps the spine straight and helps develop good posture. It also helps to keep joints flexible.
Vajraasana- It improves digestion. If you sit in this position after eating food, it will cure indigestion.
Contra-indications: Sukhaasana should not be performed if you have back or knee problems or if you had knee surgery.
Ardha padmaasana should not be performed if you have had any leg surgery, knee or back problems.
Padmaasana should not be performed if you have any leg problem or surgery.
Vajraasana should not be performed if you have knee problems or surgery. If you have back problems, support should be taken while doing this asana.
Disclaimer: New yoga enthusiasts please perform these asanas only under expert guidance.