Today, we share the Guidance Readings – January 2023 (Part IV), by our resident Fortune Card Reader Sundaravalli.
Guidance Readings – January 2023 (Part IV)
You will be extremely focused, think clearly and have a strong willpower. The chaos around you could be overwhelming. Going forward, you should realize your life’s purpose. Bring your disconnected thoughts together and keep moving ahead. Leave the painful past behind and live in the present. Avoid assuming things. Solutions will crop up in an unexpected manner, suddenly.
Every problem has a solution following it. Think you’re right? Go on ahead with your idea, with self-confidence. Expect some good news from abroad and the resolution of a past issue.
The Almighty is very powerful. He will manifest your future according to your current Karma. Mysterious happenings are foretold for Scorpios. The chaos around you could be overwhelming. Projects could get delayed. But you will complete them in time with patience. The Divinity will propel you toward the right decisions. The cosmos has messages for you. Take hint from these with a clear mind. Implement them right away, intuitively with contemplation.
Avoid leaving any activity incomplete. Expect good fortune, positive opportunities and an increase in your wealth. You can also expect surprises in your lives, soon.
Read more: Dhanur Shankaranti Guidance Readings – 2022-23 (Part IV)
Sundaravalli would be happy to reply to personalized queries. You can contact her at
The above readings are general guidance readings not specific to individuals. Readers are requested to contact Sundaravalli for more detailed readings.