Today, we share the Guidance Readings – October 2021, by Fortune Card Reader Sundaravalli. This is the first part of the post.
Guidance Readings – October 2021
Look forward to dramatic happenings and unexpected riches. Angels are protecting you from negativity and evil eyes. You will feel protective toward your family and near and dear ones.
Don’t give in to anger. Be patient. Meditation will reveal the answers to your questions.
You will grow spiritually. Your guardian angels are watching over you. Some of you might benefit from travel. The climate is creating upheavals outside. Do not be affected by it. Some of you can expect some good news, in the near future.
Thank God for what you already have. Be calm to think clearly. Pray to your angels for help in overcoming your fears and difficulties.
You will feel a surge in the amount of activity and energy, in your life. All hindrances in your life-path will be removed. You will shift to a different home or job. Your worries will leave soon.
Discover new opportunities for a higher success rate. Be self-confident. Wish to God what you really desire and you will achieve that goal. Deep breathing will help in evolving your insights.
Sundaravalli would be happy to reply to personalized queries. You can contact her at