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Cinderella Prabhu’s Fight for Human Rights

Cinderella Prabhu’s Fight for Human Rights – here’s an interesting interview of a social worker from the Human Rights and Crime Control Organization.


Cinderella Prabhu’s Fight for Human Rights

A lawyer ever ready to help others. That’s  Cinderella Prabhu for you. Without much ado let’s go to the interview.

What were your thoughts when you decided to become a lawyer?

There was a conflict always as every question ends at the peak point of judiciary only. While I entered in to political and social field there was a question of how to help people if the problem reaches the doorstep of Police Station. To know laws is a different thing but to stand with a person to help them in the situation was an altogether different question when the people were unable to bear the advocates’ charges. Hence this made me qualify as a lawyer to help the community whenever and wherever required legally.

How did human rights attract you?

Human rights are needed to protect and preserve every individual’s humanity, to ensure that every individual can live a life of dignity and a life that is worthy of a human being. Human Rights was just a known word to me until I realized that people are unware of their fundamental rights.  While I was keen to join the fight for human rights – to know and understand it better.

When and how did you join International Human Rights and Crime Control Organization?

I started working with this organization since 2017. The story began from an individual social worker in Mumbai taking small programs for helping the needy. Later on, we faced many issues while filing cases against many accused and a single political support can easily save them is another thing that we saw. Hence I got joined International Human Rights and Crime Control Organization, which helped me do what is right and fight against those who actually did not deserve to be taken for granted.

What do you see in the future as far as human rights is concerned?

We wish the educational system changed a little especially in India. Our nation is only focusing on political science at large. Students should be made aware of their basic rights and laws beginning at the primary sections itself, so that until they grow up they would be aware of handling simple problems and also aware of social and environmental duties. It is good to know your rights, so that you will able to know how to protect yourself from unpredictable things. We have to know our rights so that we can fight for what we want and also be able to identify people who want take advantages of us.


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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