Today, we share the Guidance Readings – December 2021 (Part III), by Fortune Card Reader Sundaravalli. This is the third part of the post.
Guidance Readings – December 2021 (Part III)
Standing up for yourself, courageously, has a lot of benefits for you. The angels have your back. Accepting your requirements and fears will help you move forward, easily. Honorable activities will attract reverence.
Trust yourself that you can accomplish anything you want. Focus on your spirituality and give up all your worries to the Lord Almighty. Pray to Him for putting you on the right path and keep faith in yourself.
You are being watched and protected by the angels and are slated to grow spiritually. It is the right time to travel since there are benefits attached. The bad weather can cause some changes in your lives. Invocating positive chaunts and playing divine music will reduce stress, up contentment and positive abundance in your lives.
Adding plants in your living area or work space can increase luck and positivity. Expect some good news, in the coming days.
Overcoming impediments will come easily to you due to support from the angels. The angels will fulfil your innermost desires. With their help, your self-confidence will increase. They will also help you in healing yourself. This will not only prove as an advantage for you but also the others in your lives. Your positivity will reject negative vibes away from you.
Strolling in the sun in the early morning will help in keeping you healthy, in purifying your personality and cleansing your chakras. It will also rejuvenate you.
Sundaravalli would be happy to reply to personalized queries. You can contact her at