Continuing with A Journalist Reveals’ series on Common Winter Complaints, today, we are sharing a post on natural remedies for bronchitis. This is a sequel to the article on symptoms of bronchitis. Inputs: Dr. Vinod Kumar Tiwari, head of Research and Development, Planer Herbs Lifesciences.
Natural Remedies for Bronchitis:
- Juice of ginger mixed with honey taken 3 times a day, with hot water is effective in bronchitis.
- A mixture of equal quantities (1 teaspoon) of Tulsi powder, ginger paste and black pepper powder (kali mirch) mixed with 20-30 ml of hot water, may be taken 3 times a day
- A mixture of garlic powder and clove powder, taken on an empty stomach with hot water is effective in bronchitis.
- Steam inhalation is effective in bronchitis.
To be continued…