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Guidance Readings – September 2024 (Part III)

Today, we share the Guidance Readings – September 2024 (Part III), by our resident Fortune Card Reader Sundaravalli.


Guidance Readings – September 2024 (Part III)


Every problem is followed by the solution. The cards predict extreme focus on your part, with clear thoughts and a strong willpower. Understanding your life’s purpose is the right way forward. Your soul will guide you for the purpose. Your thoughts are in parts. Bring them together to move forward. Past issues should be resolved and unhappy memories should be forgotten. The solution can be expected unexpectedly, at an unexpected moment.


Do not be swayed by the chaos around you. Think you are right. Go on to complete what you thought. Expect good news from abroad. Travel may also be successful. Avoid leading your lives on the basis of assumptions. Clear everything with everyone.


You should regain control of your lives and should’t depend on others. The Almighty is conferring you with wisdom, a sparkling aura and good fortune. He is showering you with positive energy and helping repel your worries and setbacks. Finances maybe important. But wisdom has equal importance.


Do not lend money this month. Further studies and enhancing your skills should be your current priorities. Music can be therapy.

Also read – Karka Shankaranti Guidance Readings – 2024 (Part III).


Sundaravalli would be happy to reply to personalized queries. You can contact her at


The above readings are general guidance readings not specific to individuals. Readers are requested to contact Sundaravalli for more detailed readings.


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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