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Bill Gates Speechless


1. One man asked Bill Gates, “Mr. Bill Gates, you are running a computer company. But, there are so many anomalies in your products. There is a folder saying My Pictures. It does not have a single picture of mine. There is something called Windows. But, when we open it there is no wind. My house documents are not present in the folder with the name My Documents.”

Bill Gates Speechless
Bill Gates Speechless

Bill Gates did not know what to reply!
2. A lady says, “I have been trying to reach the office at 9 every day. I can’t be on time any day.”
Her friend asked, “What is the problem?”
The lady says, “What else? I did not get a job!”
3. A family goes to ‘see’ a girl for their boy. The boy’s family says, “We will have food only if we like the girl.”
The girl’s family say, “We will cook only if you like the girl!”


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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