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Personal Communication Declining, says Maria D’Costa

Here’s our post for today – Personal Communication Declining, says Maria D’Costa. A Journalist Reveals interviewed social worker and spiritual counselor, Maria D’Costa and here’s what she has to say.


Personal Communication Declining, says Maria D’Costa

What made you take up masters in social work and then social work as profession, in the first place?

I did my Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication at Symbiosis, Pune. I worked as a film journalist and have interviewed almost all the filmstars from Shah Rukh, Ajay Devgan, Jackie Shroff to Aishwarya, Sushmita, etc. It was fun meeting the stars and interviewing them and did for nine years. Then, I returned to Goa and joined my husband in his business. That was when I began interacting with the real, normal people. My days in Bollywood were like a bubble because for those nine years, my life revolved only around film stars, film sets and my office. It was when I did my Masters in Social Work and started working that I understood the true nature of the world. During COVID-19 pandemic, I distributed ration and masks to prostitutes  and helped migrants at the railway station to reach their homes. With just a cotton mask and gloves I went out and did my bit, without even telling my family. Helping others comes naturally to me… I love mending relationships. And that’s when I realized that more than social work, there is a greater need for counselling. The world is speedily turning into a virtual circus. Communication on a personal level is decreasing. People rather text than talk.

So I did my post graduate counselling course at Nirmala Institute of Education, Goa. I am so glad I did the course because I feel I have at last found my true calling.

What kind of people do you need to counsel in the course of your work?

Most of the cases are of anxiety, depression, marital issues, etc. I get calls pan India. If in Goa, I meet my clients or else I do the session over zoom.

Personal Communication Declining, says Maria D'Costa
Personal Communication Declining, says Maria D’Costa

What according to you is spirituality?

I am a very spiritual person. Spirituality to me is keeping your soul clean and realizing you are here on this earth for a reason. Don’t we use this earth? The very ground that we stand on is free and exclusive to us. Can anybody else stand in the same place we stand? No na. So, we have to give back to the world in whatever way we can and are comfortable with. The world doesn’t need extra intelligence from all quarters all the time. Intelligence is overrated. We need extra humanity. Instead of thinking of building rockets, we need to look at the base and figure out how to be good human beings.

Do you work alone or have a team?

I work alone. But if there is a case that is beyond my capacity then I refer it to other senior counsellors. At all times, the wellbeing of the client is the most important.

What are your future plans?

As a counsellor I want to do my best and reach out to as many people as possible. There is still a stigma regarding mental health issues. We need to educate people that it is nothing to be ashamed of.


For any queries or issues contact counsellor Maria D’ Costa on


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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