On the other hand, Goddess Lakshmi was angry with Queen Shuratchandrika and her kingdom was destroyed. She and her husband lost all the wealth and prosperity that she had been proud of. Their condition became very pitiable. One day, Shuratchandrika told her husband, “Our daughter’s husband is a king and they are rich as well. Go to her and tell her about our condition. She will pity us and give us some wealth.”
Accordingly, Bhadrashava went to Maladhar’s kingdom and sat near a pond for rest. By then, some maids of Shyambala came there to fill their pots with water. They saw the old king Bhadrashava. The maids asked the king about himself and where he had come from. He told them everything. They realized that he is Shyambala’s father and ran to their queen to inform her.
Shyambala brought her father with a lot of pomp into her inner quarters and welcomed him with respect. She gave him sweets and good food to eat. When Bhadrashava was leaving, she gifted him a large metal pot filled with wealth. Bhadrashava reached his home and his wife was happy. She opened the metal pot. It did not contain wealth. Instead, it was filled with coal. This miracle happened due to the curse of Goddess Lakshmi.
To be continued…