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Thanking National Heroes
Thanking National Heroes

Thanking National Heroes

Indian PM Narendra Modi Sir requested all Indians to self-impose Janta Curfew and thank the national heroes due to whom we are alive, today. So, we decided to share this article, today – Thanking National Heroes.


Janta Curfew

Most Indians stayed home. A few people in our area moved about bringing home rations and other important stuff. One man was heard asking, “Why are the restrictions for all?” Since then, I have been wondering if the coronavirus, the reason for the whole activity, spare him. This man must be 65-70 years, the age range in which people have been most affected and dying. He is in the age-group where he should tell the youngsters to follow the instructions.

Thanking National Heroes

Modi Sir requested everybody to thank the heroes of our nation – the soldiers, medical staff and all the government employees – who are working day and night so that we can stay healthy and live. He told us to thank them by ringing bells, banging on steel plates and making good, positive noises in any which way, at exactly 5 PM, for 5 minutes.

Initially, I thought, no one from our area would do it. Many people have been dismissing this activity as stupidity. Being Hindu Brahmins, we know the importance of positive vibrations. On the dot, at 5, clanging was heard in our area. Several people joined later and continued until another 5 minutes. So, if some viruses were not destroyed due to the first noise, they would definitely have been by the second set.

Some pedestrians walked as they clapped their hands. One man picked up a small stick and started hitting a wooden bench. That also contributed to the positive sound waves. It was unprecedented. The whole ambiance reflected the divine. I could see unity in diversity, in front of me. It was humanity in front of me. Not any religion. I was overwhelmed. At that moment, I knew that India had a future, the best future under the able leadership of our esteemed PM.

Our Contribution

Mom was ready with the available bell from our prayer area. She and I took turns to ring it. I had already begun to play mantras on our boombox. She also chanted ‘Om’. We heard conch sounds from 2 flats. Post 5 minutes, news began trickling in about the activity in other areas. If these activities are continued every day, we will be able to conquer not only coronavirus but also any other kind of negativity. Ringing the bell, playing the conch, clanging metal plates, chanting positive mantras and lighting oil lamps remove all the negativity in the environment. Especially, Om and Mahamritynjay Mantra are very powerful.

I am proud of India and Indians. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat! Jai Bharat Mata!


About Gayatri T Rao

A double post-graduate (MSc. - Botany and MA - English Literature) Gayatri T Rao is a Senior Multimedia Journalist with vast experience in writing on varied topics.

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