Savitri said, “He may live long or not. He may have good qualities or not. But, I have wed him from my heart. I cannot marry anyone else.”
Sage Narada told the king, “If you are convinced, marry her off to him without any delay.”
The king performed the wedding with a lot of pomp and splendor. Savitri was as happy as someone attaining the heavens. She was taken to her husband’s ashram in the forest. Savitri still remembered what Sage Narada had said.
Prince Satyavan’s days were numbered. The day was Shukla Paksha Dwadashi. Savitri thought, “The fourth day after today will be the day.”
Savitri did not have food since 4 days before and kept thinking of Goddess Savitri. On the particular day; Savitri got up early, performed the daily Pooja and took the blessings of her father-in-law and mother-in-law.
When Satyavan went to the forest with the ax, Savitri began to follow him. In the forest, he began to collect fruits, flowers, twigs (for yagya), kusha grass and dried branches. While cutting the wood, he began to have a headache. He stopped his wood-cutting activity and taking the support of the nearby banyan tree, he told Savitri, “My head is hurting very badly. So, I will place my head on your lap and lie down for some time.”
Savitri replied, “You may rest your head on my lap. Then, we will return to our ashram.”
But, Savitri was sad. The moment he placed his head on her lap, she saw a dark heavenly entity in front of her. She folded her hands before the newly arrived entity and asked him, “Who are you? Are you a God or a demon? You have come to make me waver from my ordained path. You cannot do it because I am akin to fire.”
To be continued…