Monday , February 10 2025
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I Saw

I would like to share about the scene which I saw in the hospital today. There were 2 kids of 10 and 12 years. But, they were not so attractive. Their complexion was wheatish and their dresses were ordinary.


One modern very fair woman was also present with her 1 ½ year old kid, there. The little boy was fairer than the woman and looked good and smart. She was calling this little boy by his name.

The older kids picked up the younger one’s name and began calling him closer. The toddler was attracted to the older kids and came to them to play. The woman saw this and took away the little boy.

The older kids did not realize what that woman had just done and continued calling the toddler. The little boy also approached them. The woman scolded the little boy and took him away.

Sometime later, these kids called him again. But the child hesitated to come. The interpretation of this incident is that kids are innocent. But, it is the older people who instill separatism and racism in them.

Mom saw this and went to meet the 2 older kids. She began a conversation with them. The kids mingled with Mom very easily.

The younger kid told my Mom that the older boy had a 500 rupee note with him. Mom asked him how he got the note. The younger kid said that the older kid had stolen it and that the police need to be called. Mom told the older kid to give her Rs.250 and she would not call the police. The kid got frightened and showed her the 50 rupee note that he had! He said that he saved money little by little and did not spend it.

To be continued…


About Gayatri T Rao

A double post-graduate (MSc. - Botany and MA - English Literature) Gayatri T Rao is a Senior Multimedia Journalist with vast experience in writing on varied topics.

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