Continuing with A Journalist Reveals’ series on Common Winter Complaints, today, we are sharing the natural remedies for sinusitis. This is a sequel to the article on the symptoms of sinusitis. Inputs: Dr. Vinod Kumar Tiwari, head of Research and Development, Planer Herbs Lifesciences.
Natural Remedies for Sinusitis:
- Inhaling steam from a hot cup of water can soothe inflamed sinus cavities.
- A saline nasal spray can be comforting.
- A hot water bottle or an electric heating pad applied over the inflamed area can be a comfort.
- Mango serves as an effective remedy for preventing frequent attacks of sinusitis.
- Pungent foods – onion and garlic – remove the mucus as and when it is formed. Thus, it is advisable to include these foods daily.
- Black cumin seeds wrapped inside a thin cotton cloth when inhaled can be an effective remedy.
To be continued…