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Tag Archives: Think it over


Think it Over

1. Education, knowledge, old age and wisdom are the 4 riches one can get only through good Karma. 2. Heritage, wealth and riches do not make a person rich. The real wealth comes from good parents, good wife, and good children. 3. When you become related to a liar, he ...

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Think it Over

1. A lie needs a thousand mouths to survive. But, truth needs only one mouth since God is with it. 2. When a literate comes across a fool and is overtaken by the latter, he will face his end by the fool, himself. 3. A liar can survive for a ...

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Think it Over

1. In all relationships today, ego appears and creates a mess. If we let it go and leave only ‘e’ there, there will always be genuine smiling faces around. 2. Serving parents is equal to worship of God. So, people are requested to look after senior citizens with a lot ...

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Think it Over

There is a fool’s paradise in a particular place. That building consists of 8 residential flats on the upper floors and a business center on the ground floor. In one particular flat lives an uneducated cunning person. In the next flat, a family of highly educated people consisting of senior ...

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Education System

There were no paper or pen in the olden days. Children were left at the Gurukul. The children were taught strict Brahmacharya and vast knowledge was taught orally. There were no exams, certificates, degrees or diplomas then. The children would be allowed to leave the Gurukul only when they had ...

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Think it Over

1. Splitting up household work between family members is a good concept. This is called Division of Labour. But, this requires the presence of 5 or more than 5 people at home. On the other hand, if one person does the work, it is a One Man Show. When this ...

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Think it Over

1. People, who eat too much or do not eat at all, will not get happiness even after looking for it. 2. People, having too much sleep and those, who do not sleep at all, do not find happiness even after looking for it. Exception for both: Old, sick and ...

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Think it Over

1. In the olden days, to get a one-year-old child to eat its food, his mother or granny would show him the birds in the day-sky or the moon at night. Today, the very same people place the TV remote in the child’s hands and make him eat to his ...

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Think it Over

1. A man got married. His wife was from a different town and had applied for a teaching job. She had comepleted 3 days in her school. Her sister-in-law visited them. She asked her, “You were carefree before marriage. Now, there are many responsibilities of marriage. But still, you have ...

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Think it over

A grandfather, being a senior citizen himself, has taught his 2 1/2 year old granddaughters to call a female senior citizen as mad! The children call the lady so and looks at the lady longingly. People teach little children bad things and it becomes a habit for them. The same ...

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