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12 O’ Clock (Part V)

When I was about to continue, the clock struck 12 and a middle-aged lady entered the shop, saying, “Hare Krishna.” She had a large packet and a large bag hung on one of her shoulders.
The twins welcomed the new guest and served her cool drinks. They introduced her as Shweta Aunty, Vanita Mom’s close friend. Shweta Aunty said, “I have some work in the evening. So, I won’t be able to make it to your home. You can easily take these in your father’s car in the evening when you return home.”
She gently placed the 2 packets she had brought near the twins. Shweta Aunty also said, “Vanita had told me to get the 3D portrait of their biological mother and 2 gold chains for the twins as a Mother’s Day present. The twins have turned 29. But, Vanita has still not forgotten their mother. That is their bond. Vanita is missing the twins’ mother very much.”
I replied, “This is a really rare case of bonding.”
Shweta Aunty told her, “This bond comes from their previous birth.”
I asked, “How did you know?”
“Vanita was going into depression when they lost the twins’ biological mother. Many people told her to get over it. But, she couldn’t. I took her to a Past Life Regression Therapist. Vanita realized that she had given her child to be brought up by the twin’s mother in their past lives. Beyond that, she did not tell me because only she was allowed to be present in the therapy room. And the therapist also severed the bond they had. Vanita is better now. But, she has not completely gotten over the loss. She asked me to get this 3D portrait of their mother so that everybody would feel her presence at home.”
After saying this, Shweta Aunty left. And I sat there stunned.
To be continued…


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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