We realized the reason for Dolly having compelled Mom to place the Jala Krida near the Golu, immediately. While the little girl was enjoying the scene, an ascetic came to our door and chanted a mantra from the Vedas. When Mom went to see, who it was; she saw a sadhu and his 4 disciples in saffron clothes. Once the mantra chanting got over, the ascetic blessed Mom and told her that he had come for alms.

Seeing the Golu, the ascetic asked if he could come in, to see it. Mom made them sit on chairs inside our home and brought panakam for them. Dolly got frightened and left. The ascetic asked about the little girl and Mom told him that she lives in the same building. She also said that the little girl had compelled her to place the Jala Krida.
He said, “Akaranam na karyam bhavati.” It means, “Nothing happens without reason.” He explained, “The Jala Krida is the Leela of Lord Krishna. This has a lot of Bhakti in it. But, this is a lesson for ladies as well. It is a mistake to bathe without clothes. This is an advice from the Upanishads. But, Gopis had forgotten the lesson and bathed without clothes. Lord Krishna played this Leela to teach a lesson to the world. Sometimes men in villages enter the bathroom and watch ladies bathing.”
Mom said, “The bathrooms are inside a home here. There is no such fear as you mention.”

But, he continued, “A demon can appear in any form. During fire, earthquake, flood, etc.; we need to run out to safety. In such circumstances, it is better to wrap at least one cloth over oneself while bathing. And while wrapping around this cloth always remember the time when Lord Krishna saved the honor of Draupati, by giving her a sari that could not be removed by Dushashana.”
He also told about the Ekadashi after Dussehra. I will share that while talking about Ekadashi.
One day in Navaratri every year, a lady Padminiammal from a Bhajan Mandali would have a Bhajan session in our home. She would always insist on it because she could see Lord Krishna from our prayer area, dancing to the tune of the Bhajan. Others would also feel it.