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Tap Block

Tap Block

In the last 3 ½ years, we never got water from the kitchen tap, while everybody else would receive it. When Mom spoke to a medical representative living in our building about the lack of water, he said there is no problem for water at all in this building. Anyone and everyone can take as much water as they want. When Mom said that even the kitchen tap has stopped giving water, he said there might be a block. We can discuss and relieve it. That was just like one of the gossips spoken by people of our building. He also said, “When you want water, I will get it supplied to you.”


Our Lady of Intolerance said in response to this that the family of the medical representative was in their control, so what she said was the rule in the building. Her husband was the caretaker of the building and she blocked our contact with the builder. If she had not done this, our building would have been a high class society with proper rules and regulations. She and her husband being uneducated and liars, they have made a mess of the building. Even on this date the society has not been formed. The builder’s promise to us was a children’s park, flower beds for pooja purposes and a proper society. We had already made the payment for the society to the builder.

We don’t know when the builder left Mumbai and got settled in Gujarat. Before he left, the building people did not take a letter from the builder that he has no right over the maintenance of the tenants and they can collect and maintain the building on their own. This letter is mandatory while taking complete possession of the building from the builder. Even very less educated people know about this. Here there are some literate people as well in this building. But, they have not understood this logic.

These people say that the builder did not give anything and he is not interested in anything concerned with this building. But they do not have this also in written. The builder had told us that we should give the maintenance to him only. He was supposed to make the society before going. The building people are compelling us to pay the maintenance. We paid it once. But they did not give us a proper receipt for it. Now, if the builder returns and asks for the maintenance, how we will be able to pay twice. When we told these people to get a proper letter from the builder, they are not ready to do it. We do not know what kind of agreement has been conducted between these people and the builder.

Tap Block
Tap Block

Coming back to the topic at hand, on Seventh of this month, we gave several things for pooja to different temples and returned home. On 8th, Mom could not stand up even. There is a man coming to our neighbour’s place, who throws eatables infused with mantras on the path to outside. He does not know what has been happening between us. Mom must have stepped on it. The woman has threatened everybody and brought them under her control so that everybody abuses us almost every time they pass our home. Especially, during the 2 pooja times, they use cuss words for us. The woman creates ingenious news about us, which never happened and laughs it out with the others.

So much so that the woman’s 12 year old girl took poison and was on death bed. Because our home is like a temple and there is only one wall in between the girl is alive today due to the good vibrations from our temple. The whole family has committed so many sins that the girl’s survival next time is difficult. So on 8th this month, Mom could not stand up on her feet. There was a lot of blockage in the kitchen sink. We do not get water from our kitchen tap. The water from the upper 3 floors would rush out. Till the 7th we had pumped it out. After 8th, Mom could not get up and move about at home. Thus, I had to help her in every way for her own work.

In this situation, we could not do the pumping work in the kitchen. Whenever there would be work of water going on in the kitchens of the 3 upper floors, our kitchen would get flooded with dirty water. By 12th, Mom health deteriorated. She could even not sit up in bed. Doctor told us to bring her to the hospital. We called the ambulance and took her there. Doctor told us to admit her. Thus, we could not look into the kitchen issue. But, Mom was discharged on the 14th. She has been advised bed rest for 1 full month. When we came home, the kitchen was flooded with dirty water.

The local plumbers were not available. I had to arrange one from outside. He had so much work but he came in the evening and had a look. Since there was problem of lighting, he had to come back the next day. On that Sunday, people from the hospital on the ground floor of our building, came to threaten us for pouring water! When I told the doctor that we have called the plumber, the man insisted that plumber can’t do anything since we are pouring water so that it leaked to the hospital. Actually, the reason why the water leaked was because while he was constructing the hospital there was a lot of hammering and the entire construction was shaken up. We kept telling the workers that it is like an earthquake when they hammer. They said that they would come to repair our home if we paid the moolah! And that they have to construct the hospital, they are doing it. Don’t enquire about us. At least, don’t torture us.

When the building’s caretaker is such a rogue, where will we get justice? We fell silent. On Sunday, we solved the issue temporarily and within 3 days there was a permanent solution. But, who cares how much stress I went through with my Mom ill, thanks to these foolish people! And people come to torture us all the more.

Coming back to the tap, when the plumber opened the tap, he found the blockage of 2 strips of strong plastic paper – one 2 inches strip and other 6 inches. He told us that this has been done intentionally. He asked me whom did you allow in your house that this has been done! We don’t have to allow anyone. Our Lady of Intolerance allows herself inside with the people of the building and strangers as well.

There was a family living on the floor above us on rent. The man would complain that water did not come in his kitchen tap. Thus, this woman has blocked our tap. I have the photograph of what came out of the tap and it has been posted with this article. The woman steals, blocks and even cuts electric lights, which we use during festivals. She has cut 3 such very auspicious and decorative lights. Who else could have done it? She has the keys, which we never gave her. You can imagine. She does not even leave insulating tape and steel wool used to clean utensils!


About Gayatri T Rao

A double post-graduate (MSc. - Botany and MA - English Literature) Gayatri T Rao is a Senior Multimedia Journalist with vast experience in writing on varied topics.

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