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Dr. (Brig) R K Sharma

Govt. Hospitals Highly Equipped to Treat Poor Patients, Says Dr. (Brig.) R.K Sharma

Medical tourism is increasing in India due to less charges and innovative technology. People from even advanced countries like UK come here for treatment. At the same time, the poor from our country do not get proper treatment. I have been looking for answers to these questions for more than 6 months. But everybody kept declining to reply. Many people did not even reply to mails. But only Dr. (Brig.) R.K Sharma, H.O.D, IVF Primus Super Speciality Hospital replied to these questions. This shows that only an army officer dares to reply to questions regarding issues like these. A Journalist Reveals salutes the man and the armed forces for their guts.
Patients from which countries come to your hospital for treatment?
Patients from Afghanistan, Nigeria, Russia, Angola, Saudi Arabia, etc. visit our hospital for treatment.
What kind of treatment do the patients take? (pls. mention the types like dental treatment-root canal, by-pass surgery, etc.)
The foreign patients come here for In Vitro Fertilization techniques (IVF), Total Knee Replacement (TKR), Bariatric surgery, other orthopedic issues, etc.
According to these patients the charges for the treatments is less in India. Given the situation, it is often seen that Indians living in their own country do not get the right treatment on time and it is not affordable by them. A couple of years ago a small boy lost his arm because the hospital, where he was taken after an elevator accident, waited too long for the payment for the surgery. (The arm had to be joined back. But it was not done immediately.) Such incidents happen in India often. Can something be done about it?
Now-a-days, India has fantastic facilities available in public sector. So people should approach government institutions, which are highly equipped and world class doctors are available there for treatment. In such case, this boy should have been taken to a government hospital, if there was an affordability issue. He would have been treated immediately with world class standard of treatment.

Dr. (Brig) R K Sharma
Dr. (Brig) R K Sharma

My Take: The hospital, in the above case, belongs to a minority religious community. Though the patient also belonged to the same community, this incident happened. There is a more famous hospital nearby, which works with ethics, but the patient’s parents made the mistake of choosing the hospital belonging to their community. The problem lies in the lack of knowledge about which hospital would be the right place to go for which treatment. Besides, like the good brigadier doctor said government’s own medical institutions are today well-equipped to deal with such situations.

About Brigadier Dr R K Sharma: Brigadier Dr R K Sharma VSM is former Prof HOD Command Hospital (Southern Command) AFMC Pune & Army Hospital (R&R) Delhi with over 33 years of experience in teaching & training of Gynecologists & IVF specialists. He is an IVF specialist with experience of having performed over 15000 IVF cases known globally. He has provided IVF treatment to many people of the country.
He is pioneer to establish of the first IVF centre in a public set up in India at Army Hospital R&R and Command Hospital (Southern Command) Pune. Now the same facility is available for all at Primus Super specialty Hospital, Chanakyapuri.


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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