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Mission Pooja Dhabolkar (Part II)

The doctors told the parents clearly then, that they had not thought the child would not live till 5 years of age since the case was complicated. But, the doctors told them that the child might not survive the operation and also told them to let him live as long as he does, without operation. The child had only 30 % chance to survive, they said. They could manage with oral medicines.


The parents were suffering. At that time, the old lady in their home told them to go ahead with the operation. This was because astrologers had predicted that they would not have a child and the doctors were not sure about his life even until 5 years of age. But, the child exceeded everybody’s expectations and survived these many years. The old woman said that the child would survive the operation.

The doctors took the father separately and told him that the child had no chance to survive the operation. Why did they want him to suffer the dissection during the operation? Why did they want to waste so many lakhs of rupees on the child’s operation? The doctors gave him the last advice. The father informed the old woman separately out of ear-shot of the mother. The old woman was confident that the child would survive.

The father went to pay the operation charges at the cash counter. But, the doctors told him to pay after the operation. The operation was on the next morning. Super Specialists were assigned to the case. The operation took 3 hours to be completed. The doctors took the father aside after coming out of the operation theatre. When they came out, the doctors told the mother that the child was under observation and they would be able to tell them anything concrete only after 3 hours.

The father had been told that the child had expired. The father began to prepare the mother to accept the death of their child. The old woman was still hopeful. But, after 3 hours the doctors told them to take the child’s body for cremation and the hospital did not take the operation fees. The mother was already half dead and the old woman was shocked. The old woman recovered from the shock soon. But, the mother was unable to bear it. After one month, they contacted my aunt to know how to handle the situation.

To be continued…


About Yashaswini K

Controversy is the second name of Yashaswini. She goes where something is amiss and picks up the threads to make a clear story out of it. She has also written 2 books in the Radha Srinivasan Mystery Series.

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