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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and its Management

By Dr Rajni Parihar
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most widespread endocrine disorders experienced by women. According to reports, around 5-10% of the Indian women of child bearing age are suffering from PCOS, which is not a disease but a syndrome of multiple symptoms and signs that may vary from one woman to other. PCOS has various symptoms which may be cosmetic, such as acne, facial hair and pigmentation, gynecological such as irregular periods, infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, or endocrinological such as obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. Studies say that about 40% of the patients with glucose intolerance and diabetes between the ages of 20-50 years have PCOS. Women suffering from PCOS may have one or many of the above mentioned symptoms. It is important to diagnose PCOS early, due to its connection to serious medical conditions like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. PCOS can’t be cured, but it can be effectively managed.
Management of PCOS: Lifestyle modification is the first line of treatment for PCOS. Weight management/weight control helps in improving many aspects of PCOS. It helps in regularizing the menstrual cycle, reduction in androgen levels and improvement in lipid and glucose metabolism. All women with PCOS should be encouraged to follow a healthy diet and regularly exercise. Their chance to achieve pregnancy will improve and the risks during pregnancy will be reduced. A healthier lifestyle will also reduce their long-term risks for diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
A healthy diet can be very effective in battling PCOS. An ideal diet to combat PCOS should contain an increased level of soybeans, lentils, linseeds and chickpeas which help balance hormone levels in the body as these contain natural phytoestrogens. Make sure to eat plenty of essential fatty acids such as nuts and seeds, since it help manage blood sugar levels. A fiber rich diet is also strongly recommended in PCOS. It is imperative that bowel movements promoted by fiber excrete excess hormones more efficiently. As a result, blood sugar levels can be managed and toxic wastes are eliminated effectively. Whole grains, vegetables and fruits are a good source of fiber. Drink plenty of water, which will ensure the proper functioning of all the body parts and also aids daily bowel movements to flush out old toxins and excess hormones from the body.
All refined carbohydrates and white sugars should be avoided as they imbalance blood sugar levels, aggravating symptoms of insulin resistance. Also avoid trans and hydrogenated fats (e.g. found in processed foods) since they damage cell membranes, in turn causing a whole range of health impairments. Intake of caffeine and alcohol should be minimized.
There are many ingredients hidden in the kitchen, which help in the management of PCOS like Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Flaxseed, Spearmint Tea and Apple Cider Vinegar. Regular intake of these ingredients has proved very effective in management of PCOS.
Furocyst is (manufactured through a unique U.S. patented process) made of extracts of active ingredients from natural plants without affecting the chemical properties of these ingredients. No chemicals are used. PCOS can be easily managed with Furocyst, a natural and promising dietary supplement. Furocyst has been clinically proven safe and effective for management of PCOS with a success rate of 94%. It is available as an Over the Counter (OTC) product.
Many a times, physicians might suggest oral contraceptives (birth control pills) for the management of PCOS. The menstrual cycle is regulated by oral contraceptives, which provide progesterone that the body needs. It results in the frequent shedding of the uterine lining and thus the risk of endometrial hyperplasia is reduced. But the results of the pills are very subjective. Also the symptoms reoccur as soon as the intake of the pills is stopped. Metformin, the most common diabetic drug is also prescribed in case of PCOS. This helps to lower the insulin levels and also the testosterone level in the body hence, reducing the excessive hair growth or Hirsutism. Studies have shown that the regular use of metformin can cause abdominal cramps, stomachache and diarrhea in women. Surgery is the least opted medical procedure in case of PCOS as the results of surgery remain for only a very short term and not effective in long run.
The physician decides the best course of PCOS management individually for every patient keeping in mind the history and the symptoms associated with that, as these may vary from patient to patient. But lifestyle modifications, dietary regulations and intake of healthy natural supplements like Furocyst are strongly recommended in PCOS. The early diagnosis, proper education and timely management of PCOS can help women lower all risk factors and live a happy, healthier life.
About Dr Rajni Parihar: Dr Rajni Parihar M.D. (Gynae & Obs.), is a leading Gynecologist practicing in Chandigarh. She is the member of team Furocyst, the leading innovative 100% natural treatment for PCOS management.


About Gayatri T Rao

A double post-graduate (MSc. - Botany and MA - English Literature) Gayatri T Rao is a Senior Multimedia Journalist with vast experience in writing on varied topics.

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