Today, we share the Guidance Readings – July 2022, by our resident Fortune Card Reader Sundaravalli. This is the first part of the post.
Guidance Readings – July 2022
Focusing on personal life is important at this moment. Every thought and activity need to be questioned. The Almighty will put you on the right path and you will experience many invaluable things.
Things are uncertain. Take guidance. But follow your heart. Your decisions will be right. Evaluate your financial situation and take decisions with care. Professional advice can be taken.
Courageously standing up for your principles will result in positive success. Dignified behavior attracts reverence. Trust yourself and that you can accomplish anything you want. Wearing an evil-eye charm will attract good luck.
Realize your requirements and challenges and take informed decisions, accordingly. Do not be shy. Be self-confident. Feel the divinity within you. Give up your worries to the Almighty. Ask Him to put you on the right path and clear your muddled head.
You will have the inner urge to complete your targets on time and will be propelled by that challenge. Your life will see speedy movement in your lives toward success and as a result you will feel satisfied with your achievements. Going forward, having compassion and patience with near and dear ones would help everyone.
Visualize your dreams and focus on their manifestation. Receive the new ideas that result in success. Beware of deceitful people. Keep your ideas a secret.
Read more: Mithuna Shankaranti Guidance Readings – 2022
Sundaravalli would be happy to reply to personalized queries. You can contact her at
The above readings are general guidance readings not specific to individuals. Readers are requested to contact Sundaravalli for more detailed readings.